every morning when im come school,i will definitely see pearlyn-.- so suey la. even if im abit late still will see her.walao.

PE was fun. battle of the sexes,captain's ball. well of course,the guys trashed the girls=) . our class girls no hope in sports the la . some netballers got 70-0 for our sch~ ew. nearly flunk my chem test(i did studied) ,lucky jing si beside me,copied some from her haha. nearly slept at amaths. went home with pearlyn again. then saw mel and vivien in 912. did the *fuck everyone hand sign* and the *333* lol. while walking home, i saw a rat,and theres this bunch of girls quite near me. they screamed like WHAT ThE FuCK THERES A RAT!!! OmG they are LOOOUUUDDDD.my ears almost burst -.-


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